Black Beauty Overdose: Signs, Symptoms, and Emergency Response
People are embracing the culture of using pills like black beauty to treat things like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and often for weight loss. Black beauty drug is just a street name for a type of amphetamine, typically a combination of amphetamines used as a stimulant. These drugs are used because of their ability to increase one’s focus, energy, and alertness, but these pills can also cause high abuse and addiction by various people.
Here are some signs, symptoms, and appropriate emergency response steps you need to understand when dealing with black beauty.
Signs and Symptoms of Black Beauty Overdose
Physical Signs and Symptoms
When you are using the black beauty drug and notice some inconsistency in your normal health, it is an indication of an overdose. Some of the inconsistencies in the body include chest pains with increased rapid heartbeat. Some other people may experience tremors and muscle twitches in some parts of the body. Other physical symptoms you may experience include high blood pressure, seizures, and elevated body temperature. You may also experience nausea and vomiting.
Psychological Symptoms and Signs
People who overdose on these drugs also tend to experience psychological problems such as severe agitation. Other people tend to get confused about the day-to-day routines. Overdose of black beauty drugs can also bring panic or paranoia to the people; this is mainly because of constant hallucinations. The victims of this overdose can get a heart attack, which can be caused by panic. Some of these psychological problems can lead the victims to experience respiratory distress and loss of consciousness.
Emergency Response Steps
If you come across someone who has overdosed on black beauty pills, you need to take the following steps to ensure that the person survives.
Call for Help
The first thing you need to do is call for help using the emergency number in the local area. This is to inform the proper authority of the condition of the victim. You should be ready and willing to provide proper and detailed information about the individual’s age, weight, the substance taken, the quantity ingested, and the time of ingestion. This will help the responder to know the urgency of the treatment and how they can guide you on first aid routines before they arrive.
Do Not Leave the Victim Alone
After calling the necessary authority, you should not leave the individual alone until the paramedics arrive at the scene. Keep the individual calm and try to prevent self-harm or harm to others. These pills have the effect of showing unreal things to the person; they may end up causing harm while thinking they are being attacked.
First Aid Measure
While waiting for the proper medics, you should give the individual proper first aid as per the instruction of the paramedics. If the person is unconscious but breathing, place them in the recovery position that is on their side to prevent choking. If you notice the individual is not breathing or has no pulse, you should conduct CPR if you have proper training.
Unless instructed by the proper authority, you should not attempt to make the person vomit. You should ensure that the environment is calm while giving the person first aid; this is done by reducing stimuli like loud noise or bright light. These stimuli can exacerbate agitation and paranoia.
Most people use black beauty drugs for purposes like loss of weight, but sometimes, this usage can cause an overdose. If you or someone you know experiences an overdose, above are some steps you can use to mitigate potential risks before the proper paramedics arrive.
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