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Standing On Business Meaning: New Phrase in the Market

Standing On Business Meaning: New Phrase in the Market

Jun 7, 2024

A lot of slangs and phrases are famous. One of the slang is going viral these days and that is standing on business. So this article will brief you about standing on business meaning. So this slang is so much in trend. These days these slang is circulating a lot on social media and in many other platforms. People are confused about this slang that what does it mean. This is not a rocket science and the simple meaning of this slang is doing the own work responsibly.

Whenever somebody is doing their work with full focus and responsibility then it means they are standing on business. Like some urgent work which needs to be done with the immediate effect and if somebody is completing that task also means that they are standing on business. This article will brief about the history and the meaning of standing on business.

Overview: Standing On Business Meaning

Standing on business meaning is very simple. Like if somebody is saying that they will do some work and if they will accomplish that work then also it means that he or she is standing on business. On the other hand, if somebody is claiming that he will be a very big and rich personality one day but he is not doing anything for his welfare and not earning anything from anywhere. Then in this case he is not standing on business. Standing on business can be a great reply to mind your own business. If somebody will say to you that mind your own business, then you can reply I am standing on my business. If the other person is not aware about the meaning of the slang standing on business, then that person will be speechless.

History: Standing On Business Meaning

So if you guys are thinking that this slang is something new in the market or on the internet. Then you are highly mistaken. This phrase has come from African American Vernacular English. AAVE is the origin of this phrase. So it is a very old phrase and not new. The only thing is that the people forgot this phrase with the time. The generations started using this phrase less and then in today’s time it is a new thing for the people. Now let’s have a look on the present.

Renaissance: Standing On Business Meaning

Now the question is why does this word came into effect so much in today’s time. So this slang or phrase revived again because it has been used by Drake in his song named Daylight. Daylight is the song from the album of For All The Dogs. This phrase is there in the lyrics of the song Drake named Daylight and not only one time but it has been used constantly. Then the famous comedian Druski posted a video on the Tik Tok platform in the month of September. The video title was Dude Say Standing on Business But Do The Opposite. So through this video he targeted a person who took a dig on Druski and his work.

Social Media: Standing On Business Meaning

On social media the users and the creators now use this phrase on a very regular basis. Like if the youngsters are talking about something then also they use it normally that they are standing on business. Talks related to the work, career and the business has witnessed a good use of this phrase.

Hashtags and Caption: Standing On Business Meaning

The phrase standing on business is using on a good number as we said on social media it has been seen more often. So the creators are using it on their social media posts a lot. This is all because Drake’s song and Druski video that this phrase got so much viral on the social media. So after that people started using this phrase in their captions and in Hashtags as well. The Hashtag of this phrase helps the influencers to get good reach on their post.

Professional and Casual Aspects: Standing On Business Meaning

The phrase standing on business is in trend and everybody is using it all the sectors. The sector can be professional or casual. So this phrase can be used everywhere. In professional sector it can be used like I will complete this work by evening and by evening if it is done or the person is trying to complete it with full intent then he can say that I am standing on business.

In the same way the people can use it casually. There are various examples like I will complete my homework and if the guy will complete it in the given time then the guy can say that he is standing on business. So it is not a rocket science but a normal phrase with a simple meaning. Just a matter of time that it revived again and using phrase in the talks feels good.

Standing On Business Meaning
Standing On Business Meaning


Laslty, we want to say that if you were not aware about the meaning then here it is explained. Standing on business meaning were in talks between many peoples and now it is cleared and became a common slang.

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