Su.iCloudems: Educational Portal of Sharda University
In every field the technology is playing the role of god. As it is making things feasible and easy to access. Government took the support of the technologies to provide their schemes and services to the people. After digitalization India has developed a lot of things as everything is reaching to the people individually through the technology. So today the sector about which are going to talk about is academic or educational. The portal on which this article will put the spotlight is su.icloudems. This portal is launched by the Sharda University. The SU in the portal stands for Sharda University. Along with the government the educational; institutions are also taking the help of the technology to enhance their facilities of their institutions. The university launched this portal so that the student of the university can easily get their study material on their smartphone or laptop itself.
About the Portal Su.iCloudems
The portal su.icloudems has introduced by the Sharda University to help the students to store their study materials easily. This helps students and teachers as well. Through this platform the faculty members of the university can track the record of the students so that they can guide them well for their studies. Students can get their study material easily on this portal and can easily store them as well for the further use. The portal name is su.icloudems. This portal is not for every student but for the students those who study in Sharda University. The portal is recently updated by the university on 17th March 2024. This portal is also helpful for the students if they want any kind of help in completing their assignments. So this portal is a kind of boon to the students. Let’s unbox for features of this portal through the further article.
Benefits: Su.iCloudems
- There are a lot of benefits the students and the faculty members will get through this portal. All of them are mentioned below
- First of all, the main motive and the most important and the best feature of this portal is study material. The students always look to get the study material so that they can get the important questions and their answers. Through the study material things become easier for the students for the exams and to learn things more easily. The study material always provides the best out of the syllabus. As it provides the important points and topics to the students. So on this portal student will get the important study materials related to their subject.
- One of the main thing is that the students get an iCloud. So the ICloud service is something that the material and all the things which the students will need from this portal. So all those things can be saved and stored on this iCloud without any problem. So it will not cover any kind of storage of the personal device.
- Along with the study material and some other basic features it also provides some superior services that will help the faculty and the students in the best way. So these features are like social media platform like WhatsApp and Instagram. On this platform the students can get the facility of connecting with their friends and the faculty members for the group study projects and assignments. If there is a group of students those who are preparing for their assignments, then they can easily coordinate on this portal. It will reduce the hassle of going to the friend’s house on a constant basis.
How to Access Su.iCloudems
- The university made the portal su.icloudems with a lot of care and focus. So they kept everything in their mind and made this portal hassle free. There is nothing in this portal which can create an issue. As this portal was made to reduce the hassle of the students and faculty members. So let’s see how to get make yourself eligible to use this portal.
- In the initial phase the student needs to visit the official website of this portal. For your convenience we mentioned the link here: https://student.esharda.net/psp/CSPRD/?cmd=login&languageCd=ENG&
- The students will get their username and the password through the university or they can create it through some of the information of the students by the students itself
- So the student needs to enter their username, password and moreover the portal will also ask for some of the extra vital information which is needed
- Then the portal will send the one-time password to the email of the student to verify the security and the identity of the student
- After that the user will be on the portal and then everything will be in the front of the student

Laslty, we want to say that this is a great initiative by the university. This kind of portal should be launched by the other universities as well. So this is also a plus point of the Sharda University that student will select this university for the higher studies. Stay connected for such informational articles.